Everybody is wired differently (no pun intended) therefore the way we intake information and process it is also different. Some people learn best by trial and error, in a class setting, one on one or solo with books and software. We all learned the hard way in our industry trial by error isn't always the safest way to go. When it comes to studying for our industry's exam it's best to avoid trial and error, not only will it waste your time and money but it just doesn't work. Seminars are great for the guys who learn best in group settings, have a visual, auditory or Kinesthetic learning style. A visual learner learns best through what they see. They learn best when they use graphical ways to represent what they are studying. They prefer it when information is represented in diagrams or graphs. The auditory learner learns best while they are actively listening. They much prefer to ingest information through audio or video clips, or by discu...
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