Did you know there are ways to study and prepare for the licensing exam without spending thousands of dollars or more? It seems that everywhere you turn someone is asking for almost your entire paycheck just to learn something you already know how to do. Heck, that's how you earned that paycheck in the first place. You're on the field day in and day out, cold, hot, wet or dry. You come home tired and hungry and let's not kid ourselves, we come home smelling a lot manlier than we want to sometimes. Yet there are companies online and even locally that have the guts to ask for upwards of $600 dollars for a class that promises to help you ace the exam. There is no two ways about it, the exam in Texas is hard to pass even for the brightest bulb in the warehouse, the sharpest tool in the shed, you get my drift. I'm not calling anyone dim or dull, let's just be real, we spend our days in the field: Not inside an office or school classroom all day practicin...
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