All of our students PASS the exam! If you don't pass, we stick with you until you do. 📌 When: August 22 & 23, 2020 📌 Tuition: $299 Journeyman Prep & $349 Master Prep 📌 Where: Hampton Inn & Suites Houston, TX Pre-registration is required. 🚩 Limited seats to comply with COVID-19 social distancing. Message for more info or click here to save your seat now. Come learn all 10 subject areas and 22 categories that are in the actual exam. Prepare. Pass. Excel. 🔥 Know the Answers: We take the mystery out and give you simple ways to navigate through the exam. 🔑 This course is designed to focus specifically on the subject areas included in the state exam. You will go home with 2 weeks' worth of homework to keep practicing what you learned. If you have questions, reach out to us and we will help! Register now or learn more at www.Electrical...
Helping Texas electricians excel by providing educational & business support.